From March 12-15 if you used this coupon code D2DRDDKJGBNW at GAP, Banana Republic or Old Navy you could have got 30 % off your purchase in store only. The unique thing about this sale is that 5% of the money you spent was donated to the non-profit of your choice (picked from a designated list of charities). So anyway. The more you spend the more money that goes to help organizations that need it.
Now I never knew about this sale, however for a good reason it was once named the friends and family sale, and was renamed this year to give back. My cousin and wife was out in Atlantic city, while I stayed home out of the rain to rest and not get my newly blown hair wet. " They say as they were leaving the Ralph Lauren store a lady just approached with this paper with the detail facts above and so they went and shopped all for a good cause. Ironically on this paper that the lady had passed on to them because someone had passed it to her, and they had brought back home for me to read already had the charity picked out and it was for a cure for cancer organization...I like to think of that as my late Aunt K at just saying hello.So I think we can all give a little in our everyday world and and I hope this story has inspired someone to just know that life is not so bad and either are the people in it!
Happy giving !!!!!!!!!!!!!