Only in America can an ex-con go on a reality television program and dedicate a cha cha cha set to Janet Jackson’s “Nasty Girls” to the ladies she left behind in a Federal Detention Center.
Lil’ Kim’s March 9 shoutout to her former fellow inmates raised a question: Is it possible for inmates to vote for “Dancing With the Stars,” but not for the president?
“The inmates cannot dial toll-free numbers,” said the public information officer at the Philadelphia facility where Kim served out 10 months of her prison sentence for conspiracy and perjury. No toll-free numbers means the inmates cannot vote via phone.
And voting via the ABC Web site isn’t an option either. “The computers aren’t connected to live modems. They can send e-mails to approved recipients, but it has to be screened first,” said the officer.
The officer confirmed that the prison televisions, at least in the Philadelphia facility, do show network programming. “They can watch a major network show. Recreation provides a schedule.”
Unless Kim’s incarcerated fan base can rally friends and family to vote by proxy, it seems that, just like in the general election, there’s no way for their votes to count.
However all I know is that her body looks amazing and her dancing wasnt half bad either, Im just glad to see her do something positive with her life. I still love kim and wish her all the luck in her future careers, eventhough they say that dancing with the stars is for "has beens" (sorry Kim) I say kudos Kim...keep dancing.
happy dancing,,,,,,,,