Apr 3, 2009, 05:00 PM by Annie Barrett
Showtime has decided to pass on two anticipated series: End of Steve, starring Matthew Perry as a local afternoon talk show host, and The Farm, Ilene Chaiken's L Word spin-off that would follow Alice (Leisha Hailey) into a state prison. I'm miffed about End of Steve because to me, "dark comedy" + "Matthew Perry" = "delight." But I'm not too hung up on the no-go for The Farm -- Alice's relationship with Tasha sort of beat the "Alice in prison" idea to death already. (It eventually got better! But still.) And I'd rather wait for a brilliant new series about lesbians than another one from the same showrunners responsible for making The L Word so laughably bad a lot of the time. Press play below for part 1 of Autostraddle.com's hilarious compilation of some of the biggest WTF? moments from The L Word. At this point, I seriously crack up at even a glimpse of Max.
Are you upset that we won't get to see Alice in (ball and) chains or Matthew Perry looking 29 types of befuddled? Maybe Showtime should have combined these pilots into an actual talk show hosted by Leisha Hailey and Matthew Perry. Agggghhh make this happen!