The Daily News reports:
Coulter wrote, "Her obvious imitation of Jackie O's style - the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls - would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint."
Coulter said Cindy McCain, the wife of vanquished GOP nominee John McCain, "dressed well without freakishly imitating famous First Ladies in history." Coulter facetiously and snidely refers to Michelle Obama as a "saint" and "Mother Teresa" and suggests that her public service career "advanced in lockstep with the political advancement of her husband."
Coulter wrote, "Her obvious imitation of Jackie O's style - the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls - would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint."
Coulter said Cindy McCain, the wife of vanquished GOP nominee John McCain, "dressed well without freakishly imitating famous First Ladies in history." Coulter facetiously and snidely refers to Michelle Obama as a "saint" and "Mother Teresa" and suggests that her public service career "advanced in lockstep with the political advancement of her husband."
OK so don't get me wrong, I'm so up to date on the whole freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws. Sure but what idiot would exercise that right in a book, targeted at the African American first lady, just in terms of laughing (insert stereotype) yall know that you cannot talk about a sisters weave and live to tell about it with, well not your hair....lol. Seriously what is this chicks beef with this beautiful, fashionable, highly qualified soon to be first lady?. FOR SHAME! I think she's jealous and just hating. However, I happen to like Michelle Obama. Although, I do not agree with all her fashion choices, I stand by her conservative,first lady,mother of two look, and understand her need to look appropriate at all times. But I see Michelle can get funky with it and her shoes are fab too, I cant wait to see who and what she is wearing to the upcoming inauguration ball.
KUDOS MICHELLE OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!