Yesterday I'm in class reading my human psyche book with my Star magazine hidden inside and gagging, glancing and tearing through the pages to get to the bottom of the cover story about , Sarah Jessica Parker's husband, Matthew Broderick, was cheating on her with a younger woman. Now, I knew that from previous magazines and all the news stuff and yes...Wendy (Williams) too. but Star is exclusively reporting that our beloved hero and Sex and the City superstar has begun house hunting in New York City — solo! *(this is so part two of the movie)
OK here's what they say In the Jan. 19 issue of Star — on sale now! — we report that while Sarah thought she could make it work with her straying mate, she recently visited a midtown real estate broker to help her find her own place.
"The time has come when she realizes it just isn't worth it," a friend of the couple tells Star. "Sarah Jessica is determined to get her own place and bring down the curtain on her marriage."
Adds another insider: "Sarah's not stupid. She knows exactly what's going on. For a while it was easier for her to stay than go through a harsh divorce. They're essentially living separate lives."
Now that the holidays are over, the actress is revisiting her exit strategy, which takes into careful consideration the couple's 6-year-old son, James Wilkie — just about the only thing holding the pair together.
Adds another insider: "Sarah's not stupid. She knows exactly what's going on. For a while it was easier for her to stay than go through a harsh divorce. They're essentially living separate lives."
Now that the holidays are over, the actress is revisiting her exit strategy, which takes into careful consideration the couple's 6-year-old son, James Wilkie — just about the only thing holding the pair together.
"They spent the holidays with him, pretending to be happy," says another source. "SJP is a great actress when she has to be!"
Pick up the new Star today for all the juicy details, including Sarah's meeting with a real estate broker, the couple's plan for breaking the news to their son and the reason why the couple grew apart. Plus: Matt's secret date with a fashion scion.
OMG.......omg, this is sooo sad, I just hope that in real life she has girlfriends that have her back like in the series/movie...because right now I know that she can use Charlotte,Samantha and Miranda for support and cocktails. Even when your in the right, its still hard to leave and be alone after years of being use to someone, even after the romance/love goes that's still your best friend....right!! IDK what the hell I would do but.... I know it would involve a sick pair of pumps, a bottle of Jack Daniels, my visa card, my stash of cash (bail money), a hairpin, nail file, some matches and a camera/ camera phone.
OKAY, you draw it up....lol
HAPPY MOVE SJP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!