TV Show Taping Schedule:The Wendy Williams TV Show tapes on weekdays at the following tape times and days:MONDAY - 10AMTUESDAY - 10AMWEDNESDAY - 10AM THURSDAY - 10AM and 1PM Arrival time for the taping is 8:00AM for the 10AM tapings and 11:00AM for the 1PM taping. This TV show tapes in midtown New York City.
So, How Do You Get Tickets to The Wendy Williams Show in New York City?
Standby and Short Notice Tickets:People wanting to try for standby tickets to The Wendy Williams Show should arrive at the studio no later than 8:00AM.
Advance Ticket Requests:The Wendy Williams TV show does not accept postal or telephone requests for advance tickets. Advance tickets for future shows can only be requested over the internet at Wendy's TV show website Click Here
Group Tickets:If you would like to get tickets for a group of 10 or more to attend a taping of The Wendy Williams TV show, please e-mail your request to groups@wendywilliamstvshow.com. Give them your name, phone number, address, and the number of tickets that you would like.
Ticket Limitations:You can only request a maximum of four tickets to The Wendy Williams Show (unless you are interested in getting group tickets).
Dress Code:Business casual is best, and wearing bright colors is preferred because they photograph well. Dress to impress! Don't wear T-shirts with logos, hats, sunglasses, short shorts, and casual tank tops.
Age Requirements:You have to be 18 years or older to attend this TV show.
TV Studio Address: 433 West 53rd Street (Between 9th and 10th Avenues)New York, NY 10019
Show Transmission: The Wendy Williams Show airs Monday through Friday LIVE IN NEW YORK at 10AM on Fox. Check local listing for stations in your area.
Travel Plans: Want to make it to the show on time? Here’s the latest local transit information. www.nysubway.com