Money magazine's field guide to the mating habits of the ultra rich
Looking to marry a billionaire? Jean Chatzky tells TODAY host Meredith Vieira tips on how to date and get hitched to a big spender.
"Are you looking to fall for someone tall, dark — but most importantly — Very wealthy?
Marlys Harris, Money Magazine Senior Editor, explains what it takes to snag your very own Richie Rich:
Work hard, take risks, maybe build your own business. That's the traditional route to financial success. Of course, there's another highly traditional path to acquiring wealth that isn't talked about quite as much these days: Marry money. "
But okay......Real money. As in not a mere millionaire (a dime a dozen these days) but an honest-to-goodness billionaire - make that 10 figures after the dollar sign, PLEASE. True, it's not politically correct to go hunting for a marital meal ticket, But just for a moment imagine the life that could be yours if you did. Forget the fabulous baubles, designer clothing, and SHOES, cutting-edge electronics and palatial mansions that your golden goose - uhm I meant, Spouse - might heap upon you. Consider the more pragmatic bonuses of the good life. No more scrimping and scraping to make your annual Roth IRA contribution. No more working until you drop to ensure a comfortable retirement and get fired before you even get it. And no more worries about where your children will get into college (or how to pay for it). A seven-figure donation from your beloved to the school of your choice and your kids are in the door, even if they're no smarter than dry grapefruit. I'm Sold? Of course you are..... But how realistic is it for you, an ordinary wage slave with no more ties to the jet set than a business trip to Atlantic City last month, to even meet, much less marry, a billionaire? Well ladies I choose my choice, and with the options we have now out there its slim pickings, so pick well and just decide if you want The Prince and his White Horse or The Women's Liberation ("WE CAN DO IT") life.