What is the long term effect of too much masterbation ?
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation (more than 3 times a week) stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively pratices masturbation. Note: Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances. The side effects of such changes to the body include: Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time Lower back pain Stress / Anxiety Thinning hair / Hair Loss Soft / Weak Erection Premature Ejaculation Eye floaters or fuzzy vision Groin / Testicular Pain Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone If above symptoms are experienced, you need to restore the balance of brain's acetylcholine / parasympathetic ratio, reduces the level of sex hormones in the body, and sedates sympathetic nervous function, or the symptoms would become worse.